Monday, November 24, 2014

Guess who is here?!

So as y'all know baby #2 was breech and wouldn't turn around and we had to schedule a repeated Cesarean delivery. Quentin and I both did not like that option but we felt calm and at peace about the whole situation so we decided not to worry about it. We actually tried ways at home to naturally flip the baby but she wouldn't budge.

On November 11, 2014 at 7:44 in the morning our beautiful baby girl, Rebekah Aurelia Skousen was born. She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19.5 in.

When she was delivered the first thing she did was poop all over Dr. Sauter (my doctor) and then when she went over to be cleaned she peed a ton. I guess that is a girl for ya!
She cried and cried and cried until they brought her over to me and daddy. When I touched her and started talking to her she immediately quieted down. It made me feel good and warm inside. As they brought her over I couldn't help but notice that her head was full of darkish red-brown hair. I was expecting her to come out like Oliver did, bald. But no, she was born with a head full of hair which I am glad because it adds to her beauty. I swear guys, she is so beautiful. I knew she was going to be beautiful but when I saw her, oh my goodness she was just so stunning to me. She has super long fingers and toes. They look like delicate princess hands. Her ears are tiny and stick to her head they aren't sticking out like Oliver's ears. She is just breath taking beautiful.

Quentin's mom and dad brought Oliver and his cousin, Maya (who LOVES babies), over to visit later that day. When Oliver came into my hospital room he stopped in his footsteps and gave me a concerned look. He didn't like that I was in a strange bed and pumps on my feet, some strange tubing connected to my hand that was connected to a big machine. He probably thought I was dying. It was all scary to him that he didn't even come near me. He stay near B and daddy. I was sadden a little but as the time passed and saw that I was smiling he figured I was okay and that all the stuff I was connected to wasn't as scary. In fact he liked the buttons and the lights. He would run around my bed and look at all the buttons and lights. He even tried to crawl under my bed and move the wheels on it.
When Oliver saw Rebekah he mumbled out, "baby" while trying not to cry. It was cute in a way. I told him that it was his baby and he exclaimed, "NO!" We all had a good laugh. I tried not to laugh because it hurt my stomach where my incision is. He didn't really get near her till B, Brock (Oliver call grandpa Brock and that isn't even his name), and Maya left. Before Q and O left, Oliver gave Rebekah a kiss on the forehead. It was a sweet moment.

That night Quentin couldn't sleep. He missed me terribly. So to not be alone he went to Oliver's room, picked him up and carried him to our room. There Q and O slept. Quentin told me that in the middle of the night Oliver woke up and realized he was in his parent's bed and then proceeded to search for me but I was no where to be found. He found the body pillow and slept next to that. The next morning O woke up and searched the house for me. He went up to daddy and said, "Mom?" It made me feel loved and happy that I was missed by my 2 year old son.

November 12- second day in hospital:
Q comes to visit me at around lunch time. He gives me a kiss, looks at Rebekah, and then goes over to the comfy chair in my room and takes a nap. Poor daddy.
Rebekah was being really fussy, gassy, and cold that day. I somehow managed to keep her calm and somewhat happy. I forgot how special it is to see a newborn smile in their sleep. She does that quite often and I smile really big when she does that. When her eyes are open they are searching and exploring the new world around her. I also forgot how special it is to see a newborn observe the world around them. Everything is so new to them and we take it for granted. She is a really good baby just like her big brother Oliver. Though, I will admit that Oliver was a lot easier if that is even possible for a baby to be REALLY easy. I am blessed. She sleeps well and eats A TON! She is so soft and smells so good. I love that new baby smell.
I have been making great progress according to my doctor and the nurses. I could get up on my own which I couldn't do the first time with Oliver. I can pee by myself and walk around a little. No swelling, bruising, or redness around my incision.
One thing I started to hate being at the hospital was that I was extremely thirsty and I drank a ton of water but no matter how much I drank I was still thirsty and dry. I am glad that I brought chap- stick this time around.
After some tests the nurses told me that there was nothing wrong with Rebekah and that she has no signs that she was a gestational diabetes baby. They told me that I did a wonderful job in keeping that in check. I am glad that I kept it in check too because I was serious about not causing any problems to my child. They said that I am clear too, so I don't have Type 2 diabetes! YAY!
Later that day they encouraged me to take a shower. I remember with Oliver when I took a shower after surgery that I almost fainted. I was scared but I decided that I would like to wash off the hospital smell and dirty stuff from surgery off of me. So I took my shower, all was going well. I opened the shower curtain and then I started to feel light headed and was seeing stars. I called out to Quentin. He came in and had me sit down and told me to breathe. I breathed all right, I was huffing and puffing. I started to feel better when all of a sudden blackness was covering my eyes and I told Quentin who pulled the call for help string and nurses came rushing in saying that I looked really white. They had me sniff a small packet of alcohol and that brought me back a little. They told me to breathe and to keep my eyes open. I did. They decided that I should be brought back to bed. I was naked through all of this too the only thing covering me was a small towel in the front. After I was brought back I felt embarrassed that every nurse saw me naked. Now that I am writing this I am thinking that they are probably use to it because it probably happens all the time to them.
I learned a new feeding position. It is called the laid-back hold and it is quite awkward so I quit that hold. I also learned how to swaddle a baby in a blanket because that is the only way Rebekah would sleep in her  hospital bed. I guess it comforts her.
Oliver came to visit. He seemed more interested in Rebekah. He held her for 10 seconds in daddy's lap and then pushed her away and hopped out of daddy's lap.
We had our "special dinner" that night and Oliver enjoyed the meal. At this hospital they had a family room where you could enjoy your meal. It was all set up like a fancy, romantic dinner. It was nice and special. I couldn't get through the salad. Quentin ate his salad and the main meal. I saved the rest of my meal and brought back to my room to eat later.
Rebekah didn't pass her first hearing test and that worried me but when they did it later in the night she passed with flying colors. The nurses said she passed with a 100%. That made me relax and happy. They said that she must of had some ear wax in her ear that caused her to fail her first test.
Oliver was getting really hyper and super active. We decided to watch Tangled and he pulled up a chair to the T.V. and ate an apple right in front of the screen. I asked him if he wanted to sit with me but he refused. About 10 minutes in the movie I asked again and he came over to me and sat next to me. It was a good feeling to have my son back in my arms. I think I watched him more that I did the movie. I missed Oliver and touching him and snuggling him. He even held my hand and shared his apple with me. I think he realized that I was the same mommy and that I still loved him and wanted to be around him.
Before daddy and Oliver left, O was getting really close to Rebekah. He pointed to her mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. When she would yawn he could put his head near her mouth and look inside. It was cute to see him explore her features and realize that she is like him just smaller and more fragile. I realized that they look exactly alike. Rebekah looks exactly like Oliver did when he was a baby.

November 13, third day in the hospital:

Rebekah has such a dainty cry.
She lost some weight (which usually happens and then they gain it back). 6 lbs. 13.5 oz.
When she sleeps I swear that I am looking at Oliver sleeping.
Got discharged late in the evening and on our way home it started to snow. She experienced her first snow.

November 14, first day at home:

Oliver has really warmed up to Rebekah . He likes her a lot, especially touching her feet, hands, and face. Sometimes he strokes her tummy. When she cries he runs toward her and pats her head saying,
"It's okay. It's okay." I think it is the sweetest thing. He still won't hold her for more than 10 seconds.
Oliver tugged at her hair and she gave no reaction.
I've noticed that she is a relaxed, calm, and happy baby. Much like Oliver was when he was a baby. Again I am blessed to have wonderful children.
O bumped a balloon on R's head and she jumped which made me and Oliver laugh.
This is a sad story that I rather not admit but it happens and no mommy is perfect. (To admit I thought I was perfect in this area). I  was cutting Rebekah's fingernails. I did good on the right hand. Then when I went to the left hand, the first finger I started cutting I accidentally cut some of the skin off. I yelled out to Quentin. He jokes, "Did you cut the end of her finger off?" I didn't say anything and he came out of his office and saw me crying my heart out. He then said, "I was just kidding. I didn't think you really did it." I told him that I did and to look at her blood and to get me a band- aid. He looked at the blood and wiped it off with a tissue and told me that she didn't need a band-aid. She was crying and yelling and I kept saying that I was sorry to her. Quentin told me that she forgives me. After 2 minutes I guess she quieted down and I was still crying. I think I cried more than she did. It was a horrible moment for me, to know that I caused pain and hurt to my child. Ugh! I don't ever want to feel that again.
Q took R for me while I spent some one-on-one time with Oliver. I feel bad because Rebekah cried almost the entire time she was with daddy. But I also felt happy that I got to be with my little man alone. He wanted to read books and so we read almost the entire bookshelf of his books. He was happy and so was I. I miss spending alone time with him. I am going to have to figure out how to take care of two kids and give them each their alone time with mommy. So far right now what is working is to have R with daddy in his office while he works and to have O with me in the mornings. We haven't figured out our afternoons yet. In the evening we switch back and forth and sometimes we are all together just snuggling.
There was a time during the day where she spat up through her mouth AND nose. It was disturbing to watch and kind of worrisome for me.
I got 6 1/2 hours of sleep that night! WOOT WOOT!

November 17-

Last night Q dreamed that I pumped a lot of breast milk and then threw it away. He was surprised and upset that I would even do that. "Tailour! Why did you do that? That is precious milk" Is what he said in his dream.
IT'S SNOWING!!! I love snow.
When Oliver wakes up in the morning the first thing he does is look for Rebekah. He comes running into our room and steps up onto the side rail of her crib and plays with her feet. It is so sweet to see them together. I hope they grow up to be best friends.

November 18-

Rebekah is a sucker. She likes to suck on things. We introduced her to the pacifier and that has worked wonders so far. When we first gave her the pacifier it was in the hospital and she did not take it at all. Everyday we would try to give it to her but she wouldn't suck on it. Today she finally took it and we are glad. Now hopefully it won't be a pain to ween her off of it. Oliver never sucked on a pacifier and I am glad that he never did. But with this child it is different.
She slept in her own bed for most of the night for the first time. Not only does she like to suck she also loves to be held and have that skin contact. Spoiled already. Such a girl. So I was glad that she slept a lot of the night swaddled in her own bed that way I could lay down and enjoy some sleep and being by myself and so that my incision could have a break.

November 19-

R was smiling while I was getting boogers out with the bulb booger getter thingy. We call it the boogie monster, I don't know it's technical name.
During family morning prayers O held R's hands. It was sweet to see.
Q and O tied strands of long, thin fabric to their belt loops for tails and then walked around catching and stepping on each other's tail. Once they got bored of that they would walk in front of me and have me step on their tail. Apparently that was hilarious to Oliver.
R and I were sitting in our chair and a half (a really big chair) when O climbed up the arm chair and gave us both a kiss and then whisper, "I love you". He proceeded to do that many more times in a row. He would climb up the arm of the chair, give me a kiss, then gave R a kiss and then whisper I love you and then slide down and do it all over again. I love that boy. He is so sweet and tender and loving. I am glad that I have raised him well so far. He is going to make some girl very happy. Okay, enough about the future he is my little boy right now!
O laughed when I put a torn piece of a plastic grocery bag in the vent's airway. It flew up and up and then would come down and it would sometimes land on him and he would laugh. He is amused with the simplest things.
O wanted to hold R. He held out his hands and put them under R and started signaling that he wanted to carry her over to daddy. I got up and held her who was resting on top of Oliver's arms and walked over to daddy.

I feel so complete and whole. I love my family. I love that it is growing. I love being a mom to these wonderful kids. I am loving my life and I am so happy.

Those are my notes so far. There will be more to follow I assure you. I will also do my best to keep up on my blog post for y'all to see our little family.

Pictures anyone?

This is my pregnant tummy at 39 weeks. 

I don't normally take belly pictures but someone(I forget who) asked for a picture.

I was SO done being pregnant,

Oliver at the hospital checking out the thermometer. 

Rebekah and me.

Cousin Maya and Rebekah. Maya LOVES babies.

Second visit to the hospital for Oliver and he is observing Rebekah.

Seeing she has eyes just like he does.

And a nose.

Rebekah is home!

Getting special kisses from big brother.

I love how sweet and tender he is around her.

Proud Big Brother.

Eyes are open.

Profile of the Princess.

Looking at how strange I look with a camera in front of my face.

I love her feet and long toes.

Hi Rebekah!

Look! She is smiling.

Closer look.

One of my YW, Lindsey. Actually former YW, I recently got released at 1st counselor. Sad day I know. But she and I are still friends.

My sleeping beauty.

He wanted to hold her and so we let him.

We also took that opportunity to take pictures of them together.

Aren't they the best?

AH! I have such beautiful children.

So sweet.

Rebekah Aurelia Skousen


  1. "Her ears are tiny and stick to her head they aren't sticking out like Oliver's ears."
    He comes by them honestly.

  2. She is so so pretty! I can;t get over it! I want to fly there right now so I can hold her. As I read your post I remembered so well that feeling, when labor's over, of "I can't do anything right now, I am so weak, but people are taking care of me, so it's okay and I am DONE" and you don't have enough ab strength to even laugh (with vaginal or c-section delivery!). Love it. I love those pictures.

  3. So happy for you, so beautiful she is (and you!)
    It's always such a thrilling and amazing feeling to see my friends from childhood growing and becoming the beautiful women they were created to be. :) I hear C-sections are the pits, but I love your positive attitude on it and complete trust in the Lord. Speaks volumes about you in the best of ways!

    Love you, and congratulations!!
