Sunday, December 18, 2011

Birthday Surprise(s)

December 7th was my twenty first birthday! I am now legal to drink...if I wanted to drink that is...and I don't. I am sure the theater, the gas station, and any other place is going to ask for my ID because I look young. I like proving people wrong about my age! Well, let's go on to the events that made my special day so FANTABULOUS!!!
I was in my bed sleeping. I felt Quentin get up at 6:30 a.m. as usual. I didn't get up with him because I didn't have class till two and I had plenty of time to get ready for the day. It was around 7:40 when Quentin flopped right on me and woke me up. He then whispered in my ear, "Happy Birthday!" It made me smile and remember that it was my birthday. He continued and said, "Do you want to see your surprise that I got you?" I was still waking up and not fully comprehending everything he said and I think he knew that I wasn't awake all the way. So he repeated himself. And the first thing I said was, "It is food?" He smiled and replied, "It's a surprise, you'll have to see." I got up out of bed and stumbled my way to the kitchen. I woke up instantly when I saw that he bought me donuts from the place that I have been wanting to get donuts from for a very long time. He got a dozen donuts:two had coconut on top, two were blueberry crumbles, two had peanuts on top, two were maple, and the other four were old fashioned. They are from Paradise donuts and they are so fresh, warm, and delicious! He did good buying that for my birthday breakfast.
After we ate two donuts he headed off to work. I took a shower and got ready for my class. Since it was my birthday I wanted to look really pretty. I curled my hair, put a little more make up on than I usually do, and wore one of my nice outfits. Quentin and I talked on Google Talk while I was finishing up some homework. I asked him when he was going to come home for lunch and he said around 12:30. I then asked him what he wanted for lunch, by the way we race each other to ask that question so we don't have to think of what to make for lunch or dinner. I can't remember what we had for lunch. I guess I should mention this, the day before my birthday he took me out to a mexican restaurant called Costa Vida. It was so delectable. When Quentin told me that he was on his way home for lunch I got excited. I always miss him when he goes to work. I jumped up and went to one of our living room windows and waited to see the car drive by. I waited and waited and waited. Ten minutes went by and I was starting to get a little impatience. He is usually home in five-eight minutes. I texted him and he didn't reply. So I decided to play a game on the computer. Right as I got on, I hear the door swing open and I see him walk in with a huge smile on his face, a dozen red roses in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other hand. I jumped up so happy and I felt kind of spoiled that he actually got me them. We embraced in a huge hug. He told me there was a note and that I should read it. It said, "Happy Birthday and many more. I love you. I know you don't like live flowers, so I got you these so you can watch them die :) <3 Q" I laughed that he wrote that. After all that mushy stuff, we ate lunch and watch an episode of House.

He then dropped me off at my class and he went back to work. I walked up the stairs to my class and found it empty. There was one fellow there from my class and I asked him if we have class. He said he just checked his email and said that the teacher is picking up his son from the Salt Lake City Airport from his mission and we won't be having class today. I jumped for joy! My birthday was getting better and better. I got on my new phone and Google Talked to Quentin and told him that I don't have class and asked if I could join him at work. I am sure you know his answer so I walked over to his work place and joined him in his office. I did some homework that was due the next day and started watching a movie.
Quentin was done with work at 5:30 and we drove home. I opened presents from my family and Merritt. I got two movies and peanut M&M's. Merritt came over to celebrate with me. For dinner we made a meatloaf and ate it with green beans. That was yummy! Merritt and Quentin made me a FunFetti cake that my mom sent me. They wouldn't let me into my kitchen while they were doing stuff to it. So I played another game waiting. After like thirty minutes or so they allowed me back into the kitchen and showed me their wonderful masterpiece. They lit a match and put it on the cake. We didn't have any candles.

  Do you see Quentin's facial hair? I wanted him to grow it so I can see what he looks like with hair. I like him better with out any facial hair! He shaved it like a week ago.

The cake is written in chocolate syrup and says, "Happy Birthday Stinkin' Ginger". It made me laugh! We ate the cake and enjoyed the rest of the night. And of course I got birthday spankings....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Being Thankful

I meant to write this post during Thanksgiving day but got busy and distracted. I am writing it now.
This post will be the thing I am grateful for in my life. There are thirty days in November so I will list thirty things that I am grateful for.

Day 1- I am grateful for my sister-in-law,Ivy, for bugging me to write in my blog :)
Day 2- I am grateful for a temple that is so close and that I can attend it every week.
Day 3- I am grateful for the car we have that takes us to the temple and other places we need to go. I like helping other people get to where they need to go.
Day 4- I am so grateful for the people in my life and the influence they present. A quote comes to mind, "Those who know you but don't know Christ will want to know Christ because they know you".
Day 5- I am grateful for the internet and all the help it gives me to get my homework done, to pay the bills, to buy things, to play games, to check up on everyone, and for Netflix.
Day 6- I am grateful for my able mind to learn the things I learn at school.
Day 7- I am grateful for a warm house, food to eat, and clothes to wear.
Day 8- I am grateful for the gospel and the blessing it provides in my life.
Day 9- I am grateful for my family and the packages they send me to remind me that they miss me and love me.
Day 10- I am grateful for the snow and the dark clouds outside!
Day 11- I am grateful for a free health person,Merritt, who checks my blood pressure and pulse. She also tells me sometimes that I have nice veins.
Day 12- I am grateful for music especially the Trans Siberian Orchestra. I don't think I could continue to go further in life without music.
Day 13- I am grateful for my testimony and how strong it has gotten since going to the temple each week. Quentin and I put in an application to work at the temple. We love it so much and feel complete there.
Day 14- I am grateful for my talents and that I can help people with them. Thank you Heavenly Father!
Day 15- I am grateful for my warm, purple, electrical blanket that I got from my grandparents.
Day 16- I am grateful for the time I have each day to thank God for giving me another day to live. Time is important and I am trying to learn how to use my time wisely.
Day 17- I am grateful for my family ward and the ladies I visit teach. These people are amazing and  I have grown to love them.
Day 18- I am grateful for toilet paper and the many uses of it.
Day 19- I am grateful for warm showers and how fantabulous I feel afterwards!
Day 20- I am grateful for movies. I love movies! I like all sorts of movies and am very critical of them. I am too poor to go and watch every movie that comes out though.
Day 21- I am grateful for other people's babies. I get to observe them from afar. I can't wait to have my own but for now, I am grateful for just my husband and I.
Day 22- I am grateful for my knee braces and the support they give me.
Day 23- I am grateful for my cell phone. Actually, I am grateful for my new cell phone and all the wonders it does.
Day 24- I am grateful for who I am. I love my curly hair, my freckles, teeth, smile, hands, my background. I am grateful that I am not too fat and not too skinny. I like the muscles I have.
Day 25-(Thanksgiving day) I am grateful for the people that came over to share Thanksgiving with Quin and me. I am grateful for Merritt who is always hungry to eat the leftovers we had.
Day 26- I am grateful for light and electricity. It helps me to see things and not trip over stuff. Although I trip anyway because my poor judgment of distance or whatever it is called. Its like you see the object and you try to avoid it but run into it anyway.
Day 27- I am grateful for books. I like reading. Right now Quentin is reading, "The Giver" to me and I am enjoying it so much!
Day 28- I am grateful for the atonement and that it comforts me when I am worried, sad, or having a bad day. It is such a gift that we need to apply to our everyday lives. It is a blessing in mine.
Day 29- I am grateful for lint rollers. They get the nasty fuzzies off of my black clothes. It gets hairs off my coats. I don't know who invented the lint roller, but I praise them because I don't know how else to get those fuzzies off.
Day 30- (I saved the best for last) I am grateful for my husband, Quentin, and the love we share. I am grateful that he is so thoughtful, caring, loving, worthy of his priesthood, and sensitive. I love his hair, smile, eye lashes, his eyes are amazing. I am grateful for the promises and covenants we have made to each other. I am grateful that I don't have to worry about him cheating on me because he doesn't have eyes for any other girl. I am grateful for the time he gives me to love him and serve him. I am grateful for all the little deeds of kindness he shows to others. I am grateful that he is good with computers. I am grateful that he is so patient and understanding of me.
I love Quentin so much! I love the life we are sharing with each other. I can't go a minute without thinking about him or being away from him. I enjoy being around him and love listening to his voice, it is so soothing.

Well those are some of the things that I am grateful for. I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.