The weather channel said it was going to snow that day so we put like three layers on. For snacks we packed hot chocolate, peanuts, truffles, and water. Quentin said he would be needing his hands climbing up the mountain and wanted gloves. I offered him mine and he asked what I would use. I didn't think of that. He also said I needed a tuque(pronounced tuke) to where I asked what is that? He said it is a Canadian word for hat.
We packed our stuff in the car and headed for Wal Mart. He got some really nice gloves and I got a man hat. All the girl hats were thin and pretty. So I went to the man section and got a man hat that would be keeping my ears and head really warm. They only had three colors no surprise since they are guys but the colors were blue, black, and gray. I got the gray hat. After we checked out we headed for R mountain.
The wind was blowing super hard and in every direction. Quentin had fun driving on the snowy roads near the mountain and having the car spin a little. He also liked my reaction. I wasn't too excited about the car spinning a little. But he knew what he was doing being from New Hampshire and having skills with driving in the snow. We got up to the parking area, and started our climb. My left knee was wearing a brace and about ten minutes into the climb my right knee started acting up and hurting. Quentin with his tall self was ten steps ahead of me. I am short so I don't move as fast as he does. But I managed to follow his tracks in the snow and kinda knew where I was going.
I was also having a hard time breathing the thin air and clouds started descending, wind blowing ever more harshly which I was grateful for because it carried me a little. I think we only took two stop breaks. When we got to the top, I had to pee really bad. We sat on a rock and got really cold. The wind was also blowing us off of our rock. Quentin suggested we move to the other side of the rock which was much better. We opened the thermos and drank some hot chocolate which to my surprise was still really hot. There was so much fog around us we couldn't see twenty feet ahead of us. I liked it and imaged that I was a traveler on a serious adventure. I had fun. My hair got pretty damp, it was interesting. We also took pictures which I will post right...... NOW!
My loverly husband apparently doesn't like pictures of himself either. Or he is just copying me. Like his new gloves?
We took a picture of us together without hands covering our faces. Isn't he handsome?! I love this dude. Also, he recently got a haircut and his hair is super short now. His last haircut was a week before we got married. He needed it. And his mom would be happy to hear that he got a hair cut.
This is the view right in front of us. Cool huh? Dark and kind of weather.
I was scared going back down because that puts extra stress on my bad knee. Quentin said that I need to get another brace. I don't know how I feel about wearing two braces, I am going to look kind of weird. Quentin helped me a lot on the climb down which I was grateful for. We went a different way down which I didn't know at first. I thought we were lost because I couldn't see our footprints from the climb up. He said that he has been up here enough times to know where he is going in the dark. So I trusted him and we made it safely down.
Just going back to the "my kind of weather" comment... Today it started out dark and cloudy and I was filled with joy. After church there was a patch of blue sky. We got home and an hour later the sun was out. I peeked through the blinds and shouted NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!! I turned to Quentin and said, " You know those people who get depressed when there is no sun around, well I get depressed when there are no dark clouds, snow, thunder and lightening." He just laughed but I was serious. I hope it snows tonight.
These pictures are a view from our kitchen window on Saturday after our hike. Idaho has bi polar weather. We went to the temple with Merritt at 12:30 which looked like these pictures except it was pouring down snow. When we got out of the temple, the sun was out shining and the snow was already melting and turning into slush. That is how Idaho operates their weather. It was an eventful weekend and I loved it!
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