Monday, October 17, 2011

The Jealousy Bug Kicks In...

I was talking to my sister-in-law, Merritt, and she was absent minded and didn't follow up on our conversation. She apologized and said she was talking to her sister, Natayla. I asked Merritt if she knew that she is pregnant, and Merritt replied with a, "SHE IS?" (or something close to that). Then she made me question myself because I thought Merritt would know and I was like, well I know that Holly is pregnant( who is married to Merritt's brother Tanner), and I remember reading an email about someone else being pregnant. She was like, I don't think so. I was so certain, and asked Quentin, he didn't know. Then I assured myself that Nat is pregnant and will be due next year around the same time as Holly. Merritt asked her sister and told me that I was right. haha I am always right.....ook maybe not.

I told Merritt that Quentin and I might get pregnant at the end of next year. She laughed and said something along the lines of, "Quentin will be having your child?" I told her that Quentin can't have the kid and that it is just a phrase people use. That conversation made me yearn to have a baby. Yesterday at church two new babies were born and shown off. I got a little jealous and looked over at Quentin who didn't pay attention and I saw another couple with a one year old. He was so adorable, his father was stroking his face gently and the toddler's eyes were closing slowly. I then visioned Quentin stroking our toddler's face and it was such a sweet vision. I got child hungry, not like RAWR! I am going to eat a child, but that I wanted a child really , REALLY bad. I am so jealous of those couples with babies. I just want to hold them and steal them away.

I will have a child sometime soon, like end of next year soon. That doesn't sound to soon, maybe I should offer to babysit for someone. After my marriage class today I was going to go run on the track and found it reserved for a class. So I started for the walk back to our apartment. There is a strip mall about two blocks away from where we live and I stopped in there for a while. The store I went into was Lulu Oliver Boutique which is a store where you buy adorable, cute, and fun baby clothes and shoes. I walked in there and looked at the little girls clothing and their accessories and it made me want a little girl so bad. They had these cute hats, puffy dresses, bracelets, and headbands. I had to walk out immediately! I didn't tell Quentin I went there, but he will probably read my blog and laugh. Then he will say that we could get pregnant earlier than what we planned.


1 comment:

  1. For the record, I plan on "being pregnant" BY August.
