Friday, December 20, 2013

Oliver is ONE!

 So I know that I must seem like a liar when I keep saying this, but I AM SORRY FOR NOT KEEPING UP ON MY BLOG! Life is just so busy when you have a kid who walks around and is so curious that he gets into everything. I recently caught him on his tip toes trying to open the back door. I go into our bedroom and see that my son has taken up interior design and has redone my room with vacuum dust, clothes everywhere, the ensign shredded, and boogers on my blankets. I also get boogers quite frequently on my shirt.I use to think that I was pretty good about keeping an eye on him but I guess I am not.  I have found plastic containers in the dryer. (We gave him his own cabinet with plastic containers in them which he loves having to himself) Quentin has installed those baby safety drawer stoppers. He has recently learned how to unhook those and now nothing in the kitchen is safe. He is intelligent. There are some days that I can't find one of my shoes. He is missing some toys and I think that he has a hiding spot somewhere in this house that I have no clue where it could be. I have seriously searched high and low. I have crawled around on the floor searching. This kid is sneaky I tell ya. Anyway, I still love being his mom and find him hilarious. Here is Oliver's 12 month update.

Guys, my baby is ONE YEARS OLD! I have made it now through 14 months of being a parent. I have loved every second of being a mom and I have changed so much. With having a child I learned a lot about myself, Oliver has taught me to be a better person. He has taught me to be humble, patient, more kind and loving. I didn't know I was lacking in those areas until he came around. And I am sure that the more kids we have the more I can perfect those traits and learn more.

Okay, so this post isn't about me, it is about Oliver of course.

Oliver's 12 month:

October 5,2013- Oliver started walking on his own and hasn't stopped walking. (He is now running around. YAY?!)
-Oliver has figured out that things exist under other things. For example daddy under a blanket. Or a ball under a bowl. He also is putting objects into cups and stacking blocks.
-Makes cute mouth expressions.
-Follows me into every room. He always has to have me in his eye sight. He knocks on the door when I am in the bathroom.
-Had his 1st birthday Tuesday, October 29,2013 (His actual birthday is on Halloween if you guys don't remember). He sucked on his birthday cake because I don't think he has ever had so much sugar in his life before. He actually fell asleep in the middle of his party so we had to wait to do presents and cake. (I will go into more detail about his birthday party later.)
After his birthday party we came home and played with his new toys for a while and then he went straight over to his books.
-He LOVES books.
-October 31- Oliver tripped on my foot and rammed his head into the door frame. He bled for a while and stained my white lace shirt but that didn't matter to me. I was worried about him and if he would have brain damage from the accident. I am glad that he forgives quickly. It did take him a long while to stop crying and I don't blame him, that must have hurt.

Now for some pictures. I don't take as many pictures as I once did because he moves around a lot and I am spending my time playing and being in the moment with them that I rather make it a memory than a picture. Did that makes any sense?

Aren't those the longest eye lashes you ever did see?

He fell asleep in my arms.

He likes to look out the window and watch cars drive by.

This picture credit goes to Oliver. He was taking a picture of daddy while his diaper was being changed.

This was his Halloween outfit for the month.

There is my boy caught up in a book.

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