Friday, August 19, 2011

Wedding Pictures

Being Goobers

My sister, Gabby, brother, Levi, and my tall handsome husband

Our good friends the Mailhot

Our other really good friends the Irwins

The new Tailour and Quentin Skousen

His side of the family(some of them anyway), The Skousens

My side of the family, The Rowans

Our Parents. Brenda and Daniel Skousen. Tom and Tiffany Rowan.

Happy that we are finally together!

Us and the Boston Temple


  1. Ooooo, are these the pics you got from the Irwins? How nice.

    I'm proud of ya baby love. It was such a sweet day and I'm glad we got to spend it with you.

  2. Yes they are from the Irwins. I am still deciding which pictures from you album I should upload.

  3. Pretty pictures! Thanks for sending you blog link. My parents are all old looking and stuff.

  4. Nice!! I want to see the pictures we took with our, ahem, t-shirts and caprices. Beautiful! So glad I caught you guys on that special day!

  5. Tailour you and your spouse are so cute together! I have to say it one more time but with emphasis...TAILOUR YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE ARE SOOOOO CUTE TOGETHER...there, that was better lol.
