Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Day Our Eternity Began

The day started very early in the morning....very early. Tuesday, August 9th, 2011, I woke up at 2:30a.m. to prep myself up for my wedding. It was hard to get up. I curled my hair and arranged it how I wanted it to look for the pictures that would be taken when my dear love and I walk out of the temple. Then around 4:45a.m., the Skousen family(Mom,Dad,Ivy,Merritt,and Quentin)and I piled into their van and left for the Boston Temple. We slept mostly on the way there.
Quentin and I had to go to the Town Offices to pick up our Marriage License. We registrared for it the week before and picking it made our day so much more real. The temple was another hour away from the office so I think we napped.
Then I saw the biggest smile on my best friends face when we drove into the Boston Temple's parking lot. He seemed happy. He said to me, "I have been waiting for this day for forever." I questioned him and replied, "Forever?" He said, "Yes, our intelligences are for forever, and so my intelligence has been waiting forever to be with you." I got all emotional inside. We all got out and walked up to the temple and right when I walked inside, I got this overwhelming feeling of peace,comfort,love, and belonging. I knew that that is where Quentin and I was suppose to be. Two old ladies walked me to the bride's room and they asked if I was from Springfield. I told them no. I found out later that there was a wedding before mine and that they were confusing us with them. haha Old people, gotta love 'em. In the chapel area, Quentin looked at me and said something else tender. He said," I can't promise the road will be easy, but I can promise that I will be by your side every step of the way."
After we were sealed for time and all eternity, kissed each other, and had everyone congratulate us, Quentin and I hugged and looked into each others eyes and kissed again.
We met out of the dressing rooms, took each others hands and walked out of the temple into the world and were greeted by family and bubbles! I got attacked by my brother,T.J., and I was just so happy that I turned to Quentin and hugged him.
There were A LOT of pictures taken and I swear that my smile was shrinking into a frown. I was so tired of smiling and taking pictures and so was everyone else haha. My old roommate from Fall Semester 2010(who is now married) was there randomly meeting her dad at the temple who works on the landscape for the Boston Temple. It was neat that she got to share my day with me :)

 After almost two hours of pictures we made our way to Olive Garden where we had our dinner instead of a reception. It was good to have his family and my family there getting to know each other. Also, a very close family friend and his family were there with us. The wife,Rachel, made German chocolate cupcakes with chocolate S's on the top of the cupcakes. It was so sweet and I thank her for that! The waitress brought Quentin and I those wedding cups with our ordered drinks in it. And we did the whole wrap our arms around each other and drink our beverage. I forgot what that is called.
  The dinner was soooo good but I couldn't finish all of mine. I don't remember if Q finished his or not. Then everyone said goodbye and Quentin and I got to hang out with my family at the mall for about an hour. Probably the last time I see them for a long time. It was worth it.
It also rained on our wedding day!!! Which I heard that it is good luck for the newly couple if it rains on their wedding day. But I didn't need it to rain to tell me that I am lucky. I know I am lucky because I married my best friend, my eternal companion, my true love, and my light when I am lost. You hear everyone say that they are the luckiest gal in the world. Which is true, each one is the luckiest. I add myself to that and say that I am the luckiest gal in the world, in the universe, and in the galaxy!!!
After hanging out with my family, Quentin and I made our way back to New Hampshire for our honeymoon.
It was a wonderful week. I felt so peaceful, I had no worries of what I am suppose to do, where I am suppose to be at this time, and blah blah blah. I was in pure bliss spending my time in the mountains and looking into the eyes of my now husband.
And that is the end of a long but perfecto day!!!

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