Sunday, December 18, 2011

Birthday Surprise(s)

December 7th was my twenty first birthday! I am now legal to drink...if I wanted to drink that is...and I don't. I am sure the theater, the gas station, and any other place is going to ask for my ID because I look young. I like proving people wrong about my age! Well, let's go on to the events that made my special day so FANTABULOUS!!!
I was in my bed sleeping. I felt Quentin get up at 6:30 a.m. as usual. I didn't get up with him because I didn't have class till two and I had plenty of time to get ready for the day. It was around 7:40 when Quentin flopped right on me and woke me up. He then whispered in my ear, "Happy Birthday!" It made me smile and remember that it was my birthday. He continued and said, "Do you want to see your surprise that I got you?" I was still waking up and not fully comprehending everything he said and I think he knew that I wasn't awake all the way. So he repeated himself. And the first thing I said was, "It is food?" He smiled and replied, "It's a surprise, you'll have to see." I got up out of bed and stumbled my way to the kitchen. I woke up instantly when I saw that he bought me donuts from the place that I have been wanting to get donuts from for a very long time. He got a dozen donuts:two had coconut on top, two were blueberry crumbles, two had peanuts on top, two were maple, and the other four were old fashioned. They are from Paradise donuts and they are so fresh, warm, and delicious! He did good buying that for my birthday breakfast.
After we ate two donuts he headed off to work. I took a shower and got ready for my class. Since it was my birthday I wanted to look really pretty. I curled my hair, put a little more make up on than I usually do, and wore one of my nice outfits. Quentin and I talked on Google Talk while I was finishing up some homework. I asked him when he was going to come home for lunch and he said around 12:30. I then asked him what he wanted for lunch, by the way we race each other to ask that question so we don't have to think of what to make for lunch or dinner. I can't remember what we had for lunch. I guess I should mention this, the day before my birthday he took me out to a mexican restaurant called Costa Vida. It was so delectable. When Quentin told me that he was on his way home for lunch I got excited. I always miss him when he goes to work. I jumped up and went to one of our living room windows and waited to see the car drive by. I waited and waited and waited. Ten minutes went by and I was starting to get a little impatience. He is usually home in five-eight minutes. I texted him and he didn't reply. So I decided to play a game on the computer. Right as I got on, I hear the door swing open and I see him walk in with a huge smile on his face, a dozen red roses in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other hand. I jumped up so happy and I felt kind of spoiled that he actually got me them. We embraced in a huge hug. He told me there was a note and that I should read it. It said, "Happy Birthday and many more. I love you. I know you don't like live flowers, so I got you these so you can watch them die :) <3 Q" I laughed that he wrote that. After all that mushy stuff, we ate lunch and watch an episode of House.

He then dropped me off at my class and he went back to work. I walked up the stairs to my class and found it empty. There was one fellow there from my class and I asked him if we have class. He said he just checked his email and said that the teacher is picking up his son from the Salt Lake City Airport from his mission and we won't be having class today. I jumped for joy! My birthday was getting better and better. I got on my new phone and Google Talked to Quentin and told him that I don't have class and asked if I could join him at work. I am sure you know his answer so I walked over to his work place and joined him in his office. I did some homework that was due the next day and started watching a movie.
Quentin was done with work at 5:30 and we drove home. I opened presents from my family and Merritt. I got two movies and peanut M&M's. Merritt came over to celebrate with me. For dinner we made a meatloaf and ate it with green beans. That was yummy! Merritt and Quentin made me a FunFetti cake that my mom sent me. They wouldn't let me into my kitchen while they were doing stuff to it. So I played another game waiting. After like thirty minutes or so they allowed me back into the kitchen and showed me their wonderful masterpiece. They lit a match and put it on the cake. We didn't have any candles.

  Do you see Quentin's facial hair? I wanted him to grow it so I can see what he looks like with hair. I like him better with out any facial hair! He shaved it like a week ago.

The cake is written in chocolate syrup and says, "Happy Birthday Stinkin' Ginger". It made me laugh! We ate the cake and enjoyed the rest of the night. And of course I got birthday spankings....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Being Thankful

I meant to write this post during Thanksgiving day but got busy and distracted. I am writing it now.
This post will be the thing I am grateful for in my life. There are thirty days in November so I will list thirty things that I am grateful for.

Day 1- I am grateful for my sister-in-law,Ivy, for bugging me to write in my blog :)
Day 2- I am grateful for a temple that is so close and that I can attend it every week.
Day 3- I am grateful for the car we have that takes us to the temple and other places we need to go. I like helping other people get to where they need to go.
Day 4- I am so grateful for the people in my life and the influence they present. A quote comes to mind, "Those who know you but don't know Christ will want to know Christ because they know you".
Day 5- I am grateful for the internet and all the help it gives me to get my homework done, to pay the bills, to buy things, to play games, to check up on everyone, and for Netflix.
Day 6- I am grateful for my able mind to learn the things I learn at school.
Day 7- I am grateful for a warm house, food to eat, and clothes to wear.
Day 8- I am grateful for the gospel and the blessing it provides in my life.
Day 9- I am grateful for my family and the packages they send me to remind me that they miss me and love me.
Day 10- I am grateful for the snow and the dark clouds outside!
Day 11- I am grateful for a free health person,Merritt, who checks my blood pressure and pulse. She also tells me sometimes that I have nice veins.
Day 12- I am grateful for music especially the Trans Siberian Orchestra. I don't think I could continue to go further in life without music.
Day 13- I am grateful for my testimony and how strong it has gotten since going to the temple each week. Quentin and I put in an application to work at the temple. We love it so much and feel complete there.
Day 14- I am grateful for my talents and that I can help people with them. Thank you Heavenly Father!
Day 15- I am grateful for my warm, purple, electrical blanket that I got from my grandparents.
Day 16- I am grateful for the time I have each day to thank God for giving me another day to live. Time is important and I am trying to learn how to use my time wisely.
Day 17- I am grateful for my family ward and the ladies I visit teach. These people are amazing and  I have grown to love them.
Day 18- I am grateful for toilet paper and the many uses of it.
Day 19- I am grateful for warm showers and how fantabulous I feel afterwards!
Day 20- I am grateful for movies. I love movies! I like all sorts of movies and am very critical of them. I am too poor to go and watch every movie that comes out though.
Day 21- I am grateful for other people's babies. I get to observe them from afar. I can't wait to have my own but for now, I am grateful for just my husband and I.
Day 22- I am grateful for my knee braces and the support they give me.
Day 23- I am grateful for my cell phone. Actually, I am grateful for my new cell phone and all the wonders it does.
Day 24- I am grateful for who I am. I love my curly hair, my freckles, teeth, smile, hands, my background. I am grateful that I am not too fat and not too skinny. I like the muscles I have.
Day 25-(Thanksgiving day) I am grateful for the people that came over to share Thanksgiving with Quin and me. I am grateful for Merritt who is always hungry to eat the leftovers we had.
Day 26- I am grateful for light and electricity. It helps me to see things and not trip over stuff. Although I trip anyway because my poor judgment of distance or whatever it is called. Its like you see the object and you try to avoid it but run into it anyway.
Day 27- I am grateful for books. I like reading. Right now Quentin is reading, "The Giver" to me and I am enjoying it so much!
Day 28- I am grateful for the atonement and that it comforts me when I am worried, sad, or having a bad day. It is such a gift that we need to apply to our everyday lives. It is a blessing in mine.
Day 29- I am grateful for lint rollers. They get the nasty fuzzies off of my black clothes. It gets hairs off my coats. I don't know who invented the lint roller, but I praise them because I don't know how else to get those fuzzies off.
Day 30- (I saved the best for last) I am grateful for my husband, Quentin, and the love we share. I am grateful that he is so thoughtful, caring, loving, worthy of his priesthood, and sensitive. I love his hair, smile, eye lashes, his eyes are amazing. I am grateful for the promises and covenants we have made to each other. I am grateful that I don't have to worry about him cheating on me because he doesn't have eyes for any other girl. I am grateful for the time he gives me to love him and serve him. I am grateful for all the little deeds of kindness he shows to others. I am grateful that he is good with computers. I am grateful that he is so patient and understanding of me.
I love Quentin so much! I love the life we are sharing with each other. I can't go a minute without thinking about him or being away from him. I enjoy being around him and love listening to his voice, it is so soothing.

Well those are some of the things that I am grateful for. I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Speak like a Pirate Mountain

Yesterday, Saturday November 12, Quentin and I woke up at 6:30 to go climb R mountain. We planned this the night before, to dress warmly, have snacks, and hot chocolate in a thermos. He woke up, stretched, and then spent a minute or two waking me up and then fifteen to twenty minutes trying to get me out of bed. I'm not use to waking up that early in the morning and I didn't want to get out of bed because it was freezing. We turn the heat off at night before we go to sleep. Saves energy, money, and we like seeing the temperature when we wake up. I eventually got up and got dressed.

The weather channel said it was going to snow that day so we put like three layers on. For snacks we packed hot chocolate, peanuts, truffles, and water. Quentin said he would be needing his hands climbing up the mountain and wanted gloves. I offered him mine and he asked what I would use. I didn't think of that. He also said I needed a tuque(pronounced tuke) to where I asked what is that? He said it is a Canadian word for hat.

We packed our stuff in the car and headed for Wal Mart. He got some really nice gloves and I got a man hat. All the girl hats were thin and pretty. So I went to the man section and got a man hat that would be keeping my ears and head really warm. They only had three colors no surprise since they are guys but the colors were blue, black, and gray. I got the gray hat. After we checked out we headed for R mountain.

The wind was blowing super hard and in every direction. Quentin had fun driving on the snowy roads near the mountain and having the car spin a little. He also liked my reaction. I wasn't too excited about the car spinning a little. But he knew what he was doing being from New Hampshire and having skills with driving in the snow. We got up to the parking area, and started our climb. My left knee was wearing a brace and about ten minutes into the climb my right knee started acting up and hurting. Quentin with his tall self was ten steps ahead of me. I am short so I don't move as fast as he does. But I managed to follow his tracks in the snow and kinda knew where I was going.

 I was also having a hard time breathing the thin air and clouds started descending, wind blowing ever more harshly which I was grateful for because it carried me a little. I think we only took two stop breaks. When we got to the top, I had to pee really bad. We sat on a rock and got really cold. The wind was also blowing us off of our rock. Quentin suggested we move to the other side of the rock which was much better. We opened the thermos and drank some hot chocolate which to my surprise was still really hot. There was so much fog around us we couldn't see twenty feet ahead of us. I liked it and imaged that I was a traveler on a serious adventure. I had fun. My hair got pretty damp, it was interesting. We also took pictures which I will post right...... NOW!

I don't like having my picture taken....This is the result you get. Hands covering my face.

My loverly husband apparently doesn't like pictures of himself either. Or he is just copying me. Like his new gloves? 

 We took a picture of us together without hands covering our faces. Isn't he handsome?! I love this dude. Also, he recently got a haircut and his hair is super short now. His last haircut was a week before we got married. He needed it. And his mom would be happy to hear that he got a hair cut.
 This is the view right in front of us. Cool huh? Dark and kind of weather.

I was scared going back down because that puts extra stress on my bad knee. Quentin said that I need to get another brace. I don't know how I feel about wearing two braces, I am going to look kind of weird. Quentin helped me a lot on the climb down which I was grateful for. We went a different way down which  I didn't know at first. I thought we were lost because I couldn't see our footprints from the climb up. He said that he has been up here enough times to know where he is going in the dark. So I trusted him and we made it safely down.

Just going back to the "my kind of weather" comment... Today it started out dark and cloudy and I was filled with joy. After church there was a patch of blue sky. We got home and an hour later the sun was out. I peeked through the blinds and shouted NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!! I turned to Quentin and said, " You know those people who get depressed when there is no sun around, well I get depressed when there are no dark clouds, snow, thunder and lightening." He just laughed but I was serious. I hope it snows tonight.

These pictures are a view from our kitchen window on Saturday after our hike. Idaho has bi polar weather. We went to the temple with Merritt at 12:30 which looked like these pictures except it was pouring down snow. When we got out of the temple, the sun was out shining and the snow was already melting and turning into slush. That is how Idaho operates their weather. It was an eventful weekend and I loved it!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Three Months into Eternity

When I woke up this morning, Quentin rolled over and said, "Happy three months today!"
Today we are celebrating our three months together being married. We have planned to make a fun fetti cake, go on a walk, watch Courageous in the theater, and just spend time together. Today is just for us.

Life with Quentin seems like it has been longer than three months when it reality, it has only been three months. I don't know if being married changes your time clock, but I don't know where the time has gone. I can say that I have enjoyed every single second of these three months. I love being married. Now that I am married, I wouldn't trade it for anything or go back to the single life. Quentin is my best friend in the entire world and our relationship has gone through some ups and downs but we went through them together. Our relationship has definitely been stretched and tried with Satan bugging us and trying to tear us apart. I know some Saturdays I didn't want to go to the temple or I got upset that we went to the temple later in the day, but Quentin has been there to uplift me and help me see the positive in situations. With this our relationship has grown and been strengthen with Heavenly Father's help.

My new life with Quentin, gosh, I really can't explain my life with Quentin. It is everything I wished for, hoped for, and prayed for. I never expected such a wonderful, peaceful, exciting, happy, comfortable, stressful, and hard life. I knew that it was going to be hard, but I didn't know how hard. Mostly it is just me over thinking and having the little things get to me. But I am learning to be more patient with my husband. He is hard to understand sometimes and other times, he is a real tender person.

I love it when I come home from class and find the laundry washed and dried, the floor vacuumed, lunch in the process of being made, and he did all this while working and playing. He impresses me sometimes with some of the stuff he does. I still haven't had breakfast in bed or a treasure hunt to find a picnic set up. But I guess that is just my fantasy which is fine. I receive some much better acts of love like a head massage, a foot massage, him warming up my side of the bed when it is time to go to bed. He helps me choose what to wear on Sundays and some weekdays. 

I love it when we do things together. We wash the dishes together, make dinner together, eat all our meals together. We do everything together. I can't imagine doing anything without him. I don't want to hang out with anyone else, not even my best girlies. If someone invites me to go do something or go somewhere, I always ask, "Can I bring Quentin?" Most of them are irritated and think that I need some time alone away from him. Then I tell them that I won't go unless Quentin is with me. I think I have lost some friends because of that but I don't really mind because I just care what Quentin thinks and feels. He is the one I am going to spend eternity with and he will be the one in my future.

I love you Quentin, don't ever forget that or doubt it!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My life is a song

A song by Ashley Tisdale discribes how I feel about head massages and people playing with my hair:

 I like what you do to my hair
Who knew that looking a mess could feel so good
I like what you do to my hair
Tousle it, tease it, run your fingers through it
Oh, how you do it
I like what you do to my hair

Oh how I love head massages! I use to get them all the time from my mommy and they felt AMAZING! Now that I am married, I don't get them as often. I have to ask Quentin to play with my hair. He will sometimes braid, brush my hair, and mess up my hair. At church he will play with the ends of my hair because he know not to ruin it. When we are at home, that is another story....

As I write this blog, Quentin is sitting next to me reading it as I type. He has starting playing with my hair and using his finger tips to massage my head. He is so good at it. Quentin thinks he is better at massaging my feet than massaging my head. I don't really mind as long as I get a massage haha :) 
I love his touch. It is so gentle and in a loving way. I am so glad that I married him, I really lucked out! Not just with the massaging attribute, but he is an amazing person all around. Life is so fun and there is never a dull moment. I hope it stays this way. I think my next post will be about our apartment, it has done a good job keeping us warm and snuggly from the snow.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Jealousy Bug Kicks In...

I was talking to my sister-in-law, Merritt, and she was absent minded and didn't follow up on our conversation. She apologized and said she was talking to her sister, Natayla. I asked Merritt if she knew that she is pregnant, and Merritt replied with a, "SHE IS?" (or something close to that). Then she made me question myself because I thought Merritt would know and I was like, well I know that Holly is pregnant( who is married to Merritt's brother Tanner), and I remember reading an email about someone else being pregnant. She was like, I don't think so. I was so certain, and asked Quentin, he didn't know. Then I assured myself that Nat is pregnant and will be due next year around the same time as Holly. Merritt asked her sister and told me that I was right. haha I am always right.....ook maybe not.

I told Merritt that Quentin and I might get pregnant at the end of next year. She laughed and said something along the lines of, "Quentin will be having your child?" I told her that Quentin can't have the kid and that it is just a phrase people use. That conversation made me yearn to have a baby. Yesterday at church two new babies were born and shown off. I got a little jealous and looked over at Quentin who didn't pay attention and I saw another couple with a one year old. He was so adorable, his father was stroking his face gently and the toddler's eyes were closing slowly. I then visioned Quentin stroking our toddler's face and it was such a sweet vision. I got child hungry, not like RAWR! I am going to eat a child, but that I wanted a child really , REALLY bad. I am so jealous of those couples with babies. I just want to hold them and steal them away.

I will have a child sometime soon, like end of next year soon. That doesn't sound to soon, maybe I should offer to babysit for someone. After my marriage class today I was going to go run on the track and found it reserved for a class. So I started for the walk back to our apartment. There is a strip mall about two blocks away from where we live and I stopped in there for a while. The store I went into was Lulu Oliver Boutique which is a store where you buy adorable, cute, and fun baby clothes and shoes. I walked in there and looked at the little girls clothing and their accessories and it made me want a little girl so bad. They had these cute hats, puffy dresses, bracelets, and headbands. I had to walk out immediately! I didn't tell Quentin I went there, but he will probably read my blog and laugh. Then he will say that we could get pregnant earlier than what we planned.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Who Me? Coudn't Be.... Then Who?

In September Quentin and I bought our first car together, a 1988 Saab 900. It is a dark blue color and an automatic with an AC that doesn't work, minor cracks on the dashboard, the speedometer doesn't work, it has heated seats and a CD player. Oh this is pretty neat, the ignition is between the seats and the hood opens forward!!! Like a school bus or an eighteen wheeler.

This is a side view of our loverly car!
This is in between our seats which leaves no room for coins or our phones.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I drive the car to school because Quentin stays at home to work. Yesterday, Thursday, after all my classes which ended at like two, I get into the car and start it. It sounded kind of weird but it was still running so I drove out of the driveway and onto the street, then it completely broke down. I was so embarrassed because there was a huge line in front of me and behind me. I was mostly concerned about the people behind be. I rolled down my window and waved them to just pass me.

I tried to restart it again and again and again. It wouldn't start at all which made me frustrated and sad. I called Quentin and told him that I broke the car and I am in the middle of the road in everyone's way. He said, "Uh ook, I will be right there." Then to my surprise a big BYU-I dump truck  pulled over and three guys jumped out and yelled through my window that they are going to push me to the curb and to put the car in neutral. I did as they said and guided the car to the curb. After that they tapped on my window and said, "There you go! Have a nice day." I was so grateful for them!

Then I just sat in the car, frozen stiff. Oh I forgot to mention yesterdays weather! The weather makes this experience all the more miserable. Yesterdays forecast was SNOW! and rain. I think the temperature was around 37 degrees.Online it said that it was just going to rain and I wore jeans, a shirt and hoodie, and my rain boots,not clothing suitable for SNOW! So there I was, sitting in the car, alone and frozen. For some reason I thought that I was going to die in the cold and that I can't go anywhere. Then I remembered that I am only three blocks away from my apartment and my car is parked right in front of Merritt's house and campus is twenty steps away. Silly of me to let my mind wander such things. I said a little prayer hoping the car would start after I finished my prayer. Nope, didn't work. So I put my head on the wheel. Then I look up and I see my lovely husband to my rescue! I was very glad to see him.

He took my place in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger's seat. He tried to start it several times like I did. He said that it sounds like there is no gasoline getting to the engine. He said that we are going to have to get some parts and fix it. We couldn't drive home, so we walked back home in the freezing rain and snow, wind blowing on us. I literally couldn't feel my body yet I know that I was still moving. My toes, knees, butt, and hands were frozen! When we finally got home, Quentin made hot chocolate! Mmm Mmm Good! We dunked crumbled donuts in our hot hot chocolate and played League of Legends. I was still super cold so I brought out my electric blanket, plugged it in, turned it on, and wrapped it around me. I had it on high and it felt soooooooo good to have that heat on me.

It was an interesting day. Today is going to be even more interesting, walking to class in the snow. I wonder if our car has gotten a parking ticket yet. We are going to have to find someone to move it back to our apartment for us. Quentin has a friend that will help us fix the car, we just have to buy the part. I hope it starts working again because I miss it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Wonderful Weekend!

This weekend was a bit of a problem at first because Quentin and I usually go to the temple on Saturdays. The reason it was a bit of a problem is because it was General Conference! WOOT WOOT! So after my classes on Thursday and when Quentin got off work, we went to the six forty five session with Merritt (my sister-in law). It was weird going on a weekday but it was still peaceful and I am glad that we did get to go.
Friday is usually pizza night. Everyone texted me and said that they wouldn't be able to come this week because of General Conference. UGH! Everyone ditches, even Merritt. But she was already in Utah for a missionary reunion. BUT it was nice because Quentin and I got a night to ourselves with pizza and our favorite T.V. show, The Mentalist!!!! It was nice to spend some time with my husband.
On Saturday we woke up kind of early, like two hours before conference was suppose to start. So we watched the Woman's Broadcast and that was interesting to have Quentin hear what was meant for girl ears only. haha But he really enjoyed it. He was actually playing a game called Minecraft and he stopped because Brother Uchtdorf said something meaningful to him. I forgot what it was.
Ten o'clock came around and we watched General Conference. It was soooo good and inspirational. I am glad that I took notes. Last conference in April, Quentin and I were dating at the time, we had the chance to actually go to the conference center. We sat towards the left looking at the podium, eight rows away from the prophet. That was a wonderful experience. During the April conference they talked a lot of couples getting married, the importance of getting married, and doing it the right way. Well, Quentin and I looked at each other and thought that we should pray about it....well you know the answer because look at us now.
This conference Neil L. Anderson gave a talk about children and families. Quentin fell asleep during this talk so he didn't get to hear it but I like when he said, "Having children is what God gave you time for." And then he continues with a story about a young couple and the husband still in school to become a doctor. He and his wife were talking about when to have kids. They decided after he was done with school and she could work to support them. He visited his parents who live right next door to the Administration building. He read a talk from the ensign his parents had on the table talking about the family being ordained of God. He felt burdensome and got up and walked straight to the Administration building. He ran into Spencer W. Kimball (the one who gave the talk in the ensign) and told his problematic story. President Kimball looked at him and said, " Will the Lord want you to break a commandment in order for you to build your career? You can be a doctor and have a child. Where is your faith?"
That is what really hit me, "Where is your faith?" Quentin and I have actually been talking about this same subject, about when to start having kids. I am in school full time and he is working full time. I told him that I would like to start having kids in the middle of my senior year. He replied that he wants to wait a year and be a dad before he is thirty. I really didn't like the waiting a year idea but understood him wanting to have a child before he turns thirty(which by the way is in two years).
After hearing this talk and those words, I rethought about the waiting a year idea and thought it was suppose to happen. Quentin woke up and I asked him what he thought about Brother Anderson's talk. He didn't know what he talked about because HE WAS ASLEEP!!! so I showed him my notes and he enjoyed the talk too. So we re-had the discussion about when to have children and decided that we would wait a year. Being in a family ward doesn't help at all! That means I will be pregnant in the middle of my junior year. YIPPEE!!!
I was talking to Merritt about what Quentin and I talked about and she looked sad and said, "I want to be married and have kids!" When I have a kid, she can be the official babysitter.
In the middle of the Saturday sessions I made butterscotch danish and we had that for linner. (lunch/dinner). umm On Sunday Merritt came over and watched the sessions with us. After the first session, Quentin, Merritt and I made mexican lasagna and mm mm MMM it was so good. Quentin and Merritt agreed. Merritt muttered something in Spanish and all I understood was bueno=good and gracias= thank you. So I replied with a de nada. haha
Quentin fell asleep during the second session and I guess when I saw him laying down I got sleepy and closed my eyes. Merritt nudged me and wrote on my notebook, " Don't go to sleeeeep!" I struggled to stay awake.
When the second session ended, I found Merritt asleep. haha Quentin and I wanted to go on a walk. We drove to Nature Park and walked around the trail and took pictures. I will have to upload those sometime. And ones of our new car. I didn't do much homework this weekend, so I am going to have to do it all tomorrow and be SUPER busy. All well. Oh and after our walk, I took a shower and when I got out I asked Quentin to brush my hair for me. I told him that I remember my dad brushing my hair and it felt sooo tender. Quentin brushed my beautiful, long, wet hair and it felt so good. I love it when people play with my hair! So relaxing! He said while he was brushing it that he feels that he should braid it. I was ook with that and he braided a very nice braid. I think I am going to make him my hair stylist. Not really, but he can braid my hair for me since I don't have that skill developed.

That was my weekend and I enjoyed every minute of it because I was with my dear darling husband. I love him so very much!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It is that time again where all the students come back to Rexburg for the fall semester and fill up the isles of Broulims (our grocery store). When I go to get a box of cereal that I most love, it is all out. When I go to get my husband's brand of milk, you freshman students have emptied the shelf. Oh how I love it when I can't find anything I need, thank you new students and other students that are on this track.

Oh how I love school and the headaches, long hours of doing homework, and almost forgetting to eat. Last week was the first week of my Sophomore  school year and already I am buried in homework,quizzes, tests, and papers. One of the things I am grateful for is that I have two first block classes(they only last a month and not a semester). So that should make my load easier.

I am taking seven classes which is fourteen credit hours. My classes consist of a Marriage class, Capstone class(which is a debate and being able to make decisions) class, for history I am taking a Pakistan global hot spot class. I am also taking a religion class, Origins of the Universe, Earth, and life science class. And then a career exploration class to help me decide on a major or what I want to be. And my last class, y'all are going to laugh about this if you know my husband, a Computer Basics class. My husband is a computer know it all and very good with computers! He works for an Internet Marketing Company and he is the web developer for the business. I am actually taking that class so I can understand what my husband is talking about when he describes his work day for me and follow along the codes and abbreviations or computer talk. I hope I learn much for that class and that Quentin appreciates it.

I have spend so many hours on campus while Quentin is at the office and so many hours off campus while Quentin is here for work or just home for the night. I have told myself that while I am in school, I will not neglect my husband because he needs me too. I am not by myself anymore. I don't have to worry just about me, feed me, just focus on my schoolwork, go hang with the girls, go to church, wake up when I want to, go to bed when I want to....etc. I am now married and I have another person in my life that I have to give my attention to. I think this week I have done a pretty good job of it, but I hope I don't get overwhelmed with my school as the semester goes on. It would be nice if he could remind me or interrupt me when I have not given him the time he needs. I want him to feel included and loved.

I hope that I can find a balance between my school and my husband life. And if I ever get overwhelmed with either, I can go to my Father in Heaven and ask Him to give me strength to bear this and to lean on Him. I would like Him to be with me every step of the way. He knows best and I hope that I do what He would have me do. Quentin and I go to the temple every Saturday and that is kinda like our little date for the week. I have found our relationship growing stronger by going to the temple and partaking of the blessings it gives. I also like that Quentin and I have the opportunity to pray to our Heavenly Father and seek His guidance in our relationship. I hope it continues.

Good luck to all that are in the same boat as me! We will get through it!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Tit for Tat

Quentin and I spend a lot of time together because we enjoy being around each other. Well, we mostly spend that time together inside. He doesn't mind staying inside all the time because that is just how he is. Me on the other hand, I like to get out and enjoy the fresh air. I don't like being cooped up in our apartment.
I suggested that we should start doing stuff outside of our place. He didn't mind just as long as he was with me.  Then I asked if he would like to start running with me. Now remember, I am more active and athletic than he is. He is a computer skilled, no ball experience kinda guy. He kinda hesitated but agreed to run with me.
We made a plan to run every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. But we run at night because, well for a couple of reasons. 1. It is cooler.  2.He works all day.  AND....3.He doesn't want people to see him run so we run at night so no one can see him. He runs my pace because it is "easy" and he doesn't run out of breathe. But I don't think he is getting a work out. He doesn't mind too much though. haha
I told him that no one really looks at you when you run but he didn't care. So we agreed to run at at 9 p.m. close to bed time.
We have been running for a couple weeks now and enjoying being together. 
Also during those couple of weeks he has wanted me to play online games with him. League of Legends is the game that he has wanted me to play. He says that he doesn't like to play with people he doesn't know. I told him that is why you play with Lonnie(his friend and his ex roommate). Quentin gave me a serious look and said, but I want to play with you.

I gave him reasons why I wouldn't play. 1. I don't want to.  2. It is a waste of time.  3. We are adults and shouldn't play online games.  4. I wouldn't play because he wanted me to and I am stubborn like that :)
He didn't like my reasons and wouldn't bring the conversation up until the next day. And we would have the same discussion and I kept insisting that I would NOT play League of Legends.
Well two days ago, August 27th, we were sitting on the couch talking and he asked if I wanted to play a game with him and I gave him a stern look and told him that he already knows the answer. What he said next made me feel guilty and sad and a little angry at myself. He said, "Tailour, I love spending time with you. I go running with you even though I hate to run just so we can be together. Playing games gives us another moments to be together. Will you please play with me?" I felt so hurt that I was denying our time together. I didn't think about him not liking to run but he put up with it just so he could be with me. So I could sacrifice half an hour to an hour to play games with him to make him feel important and spend time with him and show him that I love him.
After we had that conversation, we got up and set up an account for me. He was so happy and a little jumpy in his seat. He looked like a little boy who just got permission from his mother to get dirty or something. It was a sight to see. I liked seeing him happy. We played two games that night and I have to admit that I am little obsessed with it. Don't tell anyone though! haha
So an hour or so before we get ready for bed we play a game or two. He tells me that I am better than he was when he first started. I went through the tutorial games and Quentin is a good teacher. The next time he asks for my attention, I will not deny that time we could spend together.
I am glad we like spending every minute of the day with each other and don't get bored of each other. I could spend the rest of forever with him in silence and wouldn't mind it at all because we would be together. He is the best husband I could ask for. Thank you Heavenly Father for sending Quentin into my life and that we are the BESTEST OF FRIENDS! :) 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wedding Pictures

Being Goobers

My sister, Gabby, brother, Levi, and my tall handsome husband

Our good friends the Mailhot

Our other really good friends the Irwins

The new Tailour and Quentin Skousen

His side of the family(some of them anyway), The Skousens

My side of the family, The Rowans

Our Parents. Brenda and Daniel Skousen. Tom and Tiffany Rowan.

Happy that we are finally together!

Us and the Boston Temple

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Day Our Eternity Began

The day started very early in the morning....very early. Tuesday, August 9th, 2011, I woke up at 2:30a.m. to prep myself up for my wedding. It was hard to get up. I curled my hair and arranged it how I wanted it to look for the pictures that would be taken when my dear love and I walk out of the temple. Then around 4:45a.m., the Skousen family(Mom,Dad,Ivy,Merritt,and Quentin)and I piled into their van and left for the Boston Temple. We slept mostly on the way there.
Quentin and I had to go to the Town Offices to pick up our Marriage License. We registrared for it the week before and picking it made our day so much more real. The temple was another hour away from the office so I think we napped.
Then I saw the biggest smile on my best friends face when we drove into the Boston Temple's parking lot. He seemed happy. He said to me, "I have been waiting for this day for forever." I questioned him and replied, "Forever?" He said, "Yes, our intelligences are for forever, and so my intelligence has been waiting forever to be with you." I got all emotional inside. We all got out and walked up to the temple and right when I walked inside, I got this overwhelming feeling of peace,comfort,love, and belonging. I knew that that is where Quentin and I was suppose to be. Two old ladies walked me to the bride's room and they asked if I was from Springfield. I told them no. I found out later that there was a wedding before mine and that they were confusing us with them. haha Old people, gotta love 'em. In the chapel area, Quentin looked at me and said something else tender. He said," I can't promise the road will be easy, but I can promise that I will be by your side every step of the way."
After we were sealed for time and all eternity, kissed each other, and had everyone congratulate us, Quentin and I hugged and looked into each others eyes and kissed again.
We met out of the dressing rooms, took each others hands and walked out of the temple into the world and were greeted by family and bubbles! I got attacked by my brother,T.J., and I was just so happy that I turned to Quentin and hugged him.
There were A LOT of pictures taken and I swear that my smile was shrinking into a frown. I was so tired of smiling and taking pictures and so was everyone else haha. My old roommate from Fall Semester 2010(who is now married) was there randomly meeting her dad at the temple who works on the landscape for the Boston Temple. It was neat that she got to share my day with me :)

 After almost two hours of pictures we made our way to Olive Garden where we had our dinner instead of a reception. It was good to have his family and my family there getting to know each other. Also, a very close family friend and his family were there with us. The wife,Rachel, made German chocolate cupcakes with chocolate S's on the top of the cupcakes. It was so sweet and I thank her for that! The waitress brought Quentin and I those wedding cups with our ordered drinks in it. And we did the whole wrap our arms around each other and drink our beverage. I forgot what that is called.
  The dinner was soooo good but I couldn't finish all of mine. I don't remember if Q finished his or not. Then everyone said goodbye and Quentin and I got to hang out with my family at the mall for about an hour. Probably the last time I see them for a long time. It was worth it.
It also rained on our wedding day!!! Which I heard that it is good luck for the newly couple if it rains on their wedding day. But I didn't need it to rain to tell me that I am lucky. I know I am lucky because I married my best friend, my eternal companion, my true love, and my light when I am lost. You hear everyone say that they are the luckiest gal in the world. Which is true, each one is the luckiest. I add myself to that and say that I am the luckiest gal in the world, in the universe, and in the galaxy!!!
After hanging out with my family, Quentin and I made our way back to New Hampshire for our honeymoon.
It was a wonderful week. I felt so peaceful, I had no worries of what I am suppose to do, where I am suppose to be at this time, and blah blah blah. I was in pure bliss spending my time in the mountains and looking into the eyes of my now husband.
And that is the end of a long but perfecto day!!!